Discover Miller

Discover Miller
Opening Minds through the Arts
OMA (Opening Minds through the Arts) is an arts-integrated program to support student achievement in reading, writing, math and social studies. An arts-infused curriculum has been developed for each grade level which is currently linked to State Standards in these subject areas. Community artists (instrumentalists, opera singers, dancers) work in collaboration with classroom teachers and OMA Arts Integration Specialists to design and execute lessons which support and extend learning through arts integration.
Inspired by exciting, ongoing research into connections between brain development and music, Miller Elementary is part of a national movement to integrate arts education with core curriculum.

Working With Technology
Miller Elementary School is a leader in its use of technology products. Interactive white boards, known as Promethean Boards, are used for teaching and engaging students.  Students are growing up in a digital world so they are very comfortable using the technology that Miller Elementary has to offer. The computer center located in the library is equipped with 34 student computers. Teachers use Computers On Wheels (C.O.W.s) in the classroom to work on laptops and complete special projects or work on instructional programs. In addition, the library is equipped with TWO Promethean Boards that can accommodate small groups or a whole class. We are truly a Learning Resource Center.

Visiting the School
At Miller, we value parent and community involvement.  If you are interested in volunteering at our school, either in a classroom or on a school field trip, please come in to the front office and pick up a Volunteer Pass.

Open Enrollment
All children who live within the attendance boundaries of Miller Elementary School will be admitted. However, if you do not live within the boundaries and would like to have your child attend Miller Elementary, you must apply through the Open Enrollment Process